By: Caleb Towne, Contributing Writer Centralia High School(CHS) Multimedia class, taught by Mr. Andrew Reynolds, is putting their skills to work. The group created a bus safety video for a contest hosted by the Missouri School Boards Association(MSBA).
The group of students that worked on this project consisted of: Robby Ditto, Abby Ehrhart, Joey Hickey, Jaden Lambert and Mark McGuire. This video will address the law that requires a driver to stop their vehicle when the school bus arm is out. It will also address the number of kids that get injured while getting off the bus. Categories of work accepted for the contest are video, audio and visual. Entries will be judged and the top three entries from grades K-5, 6-12 and Special Needs in each category will be awarded a prize. The first place winners will win $1,500 split between the group with an additional $500 for the school. Second place will win $500 for the group and third place will win $250 for the group. “Hopefully we will win some money. If not, I have no regrets in competing in this contest because my students had to go through the whole pre-production, production and post-production process a professional video producer and director go through when working on a project,” said Reynolds. Judges for the contest are members of the MSBA for Education Safety, Missouri PTA, Missouri Association of Pupil Transportation, Missouri State Highway Patrol, Missouri School Resource Officer Association, Missouri Association of Student Councils and the University of Central Missouri-Missouri Safety Center. The video contest was brought to Reynolds' attention by Mr. Marshall Gingrich, Director of Operations at Centralia Public Schools. “Mr. Gingrich sent me an email that had information about the contest and I thought it sounded like a great way for my multimedia students to get some real world experience in making a PSA type video,” said Reynolds. CHS senior, Joey Hickey said, “Hopefully we win the contest and maybe educate people on why they should stop for the bus.” The deadline for video submissions was December 9. The video is now available to view on the Panther Broadcast Channel. Comments are closed.
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