By Bailee Farrens. Contributing Writer Vibrant and eccentric green, gold and red poinsettias fill the greenhouse at Centralia High School (CHS) as Christmas time approaches. The greenhouse class offered by agriculture instructor Mr. Scott Stone allows students the opportunity to grow poinsettias and get them ready to be sold to people around the community. While not only giving the community a sentimental gift during the holidays, the benefit of growing them extends into the knowledge of the class.
Back in August, the agriculture department received young poinsettias for students to start growing. Since then, fifteen students have watered, monitored and taken part in caring for these plants. For months, they have been in preparation for selling. Stone allowed for a learning experience through the selling of these poinsettias. “We grow poinsettias each year in order to provide students a hands-on opportunity to grow a crop from start to finish. Students learn about the growth, marketing and design of the crop,” said Stone. Abby Asbury, a student in greenhouse expresses how the hands on approach has been for her. “It has been really fun and beneficial because it is not your average class, and I feel like while doing the preparation for these poinsettias, it has taught me more. I personally learn better that way,” said Asbury. CHS has had a greenhouse for many years. In 2002 a new state of the art greenhouse was built, replacing the original 10 x 20 greenhouse. Stone, who has dedicated his personal time outside of class to help care for the greenhouse, started the poinsettia tradition a while back. “We have had a poinsettias sale for the past 30 or so years,” Stone said. These plants will be available up until Christmas break, with there being two different sizes. Six inch pots will be $10, and eight inch pots will be $15. All proceeds will go back into the greenhouse class to cover the money spent on supplies. Poinsettias are sold during school hours at CHS agriculture department. Call 573-682-3512 to place your order now! Comments are closed.
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